Since the early 90s, CNAF has been officially invested with the task to implement, manage, maintain and coordinate services which are critical and fundamental due to their importance and catchment area not only for CNAF itself but also for the whole INFN community. The CNAF department which carries out this activity is called National ICT Infrastructures and Services.
One of the fundamental responsibilities of CNAF is to implement, manage, maintain and support many services which are fundamental for the entire INFN. These include:
General ICT services: top level domain management; national mail backup; coordination of academic and INFN Wi-Fi roaming infrastructure; backup of INFN Certification Authority data; centralized management of INFN Web sites; creation of software development tools and collaborative tools;
INFN Information System services such as system administration, operation and security; customization and development of Business Intelligence tools; collection of accesses; development and system management of the personnel timesheet system; development and operation of the purchase orders and travel management user portal;
Management of National Contracts, i.e. dealing with the selection and purchasing processes for both general-purpose (operating systems, antivirus, anti-spam, editing and graphics design) and special-purpose software, and also for the maintenance of routers, switches and power and cooling equipment used in computing rooms located at many INFN sites.