Job opportunities
Stages, thesis and research fellowships
27 May 2023
A special edition of the INFN Efficient Scientific Computing International School on "Architectures, tools and methodologies for developing efficient large scale scientific computing applications" (ESC@SESAME) starts today at the SESAME synchrotron-light facility in Allan (Jordan). The school will last until June 2, 2023.
10 May 2022
Guided tours at CNAF have been resumed. On Friday, May 6th we received students from the Istituto Tecnico Industriale e Professionale "Bucci" of Faenza and on Tuesday, May 10th from the Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico "Marconi" of Forlì. In both these occasions, students attended an introductive lesson about the activities carried on at INFN and in particular at CNAF and visited our data centre with the guide of CNAF people.
10 December 2021
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics), the event "DONNE E RICERCA IN FISICA: opportunità, ostacoli e sfide" (Women and research in Physics: opportunities, difficulties and challanges) will take place in May 2022. A contest for secondary schools is foreseen.
1 April 2021
An action plan to foster the meeting between Industry 4.0 and Life Sciences, through innovative solutions to enable an increasingly accessible, safe and technological healthcare: it is BI-REX for Life Science, the program that brings together Universities, research institutions, SMEs and large companies.