CNAF against COVID-19 CNAF is in the front lines against COVID-19: one of the major European computing and data instrastructure, Advanced Cloud solutions and IT skills of its staff have been made available to research in this field. In particular, CNAF partecipates or coordinates different initiatives: the European project EXSCALATE4CoV, that aims to identify inhibiting drugs for Coronavirus among already tested molecules and other 500 million ones. In this context, CNAF provides a data archiving system and will also make part of its computing resources available. the initiative INFN/R4I – Protein Folding shared with Sibylla Biotech, that aims to identify the intermediate states of protein ACE2 involved in the spread […]
Storage at CNAF looks ahead In order to satisfy the recent requirements of growing space to store data of scientific experiments and of a better data rate, CNAF acquired a new tape library. It is an IBM TS4500, equipped with 19 last generation enterprise tape drives, namely TS1160, each of them can reach a data rate of 400 MB/s both for reading and writing, to reach a total data rate of 7.6 GB/s, added to the 4 GB/s available on the other installed tape library, an Oracle StorageTek SL8500, so that the overall data rate capacity is 11.6 GB/s to and from tape. The new library has a modular structure […]
Work is ongoing to reactivate the services of the CNAF Tier-1 data center. Right now an electrical line has been activated and since January 15th an UPS apparatus is working to cover up to 300 kW (of the overall 1.2 MW power needed by the whole data center). In this way, it is finally possible to restart some services. The recovery activity from the disks corrupted as a result of the flood occurred on last November 9th has been started. Data will be put on new disks. The cleaning activity of the tape library is almost complete. On January 17th the vendor will start the re-certification phase. In the meanwhile, […]
On November 9th 2017, CNAF datacenter was flooded due to a broken waterworks pipe in a nearby street. Despite the waterproof doors, the water managed to enter the rooms of the data centers, seriously damaging electronic appliances, servers and storage equipment. We are working hard to restore the center as soon as possible. All INFN- National services and all Information systems applications are temporarily hosted at the Institute of Radioastronomy at CNR in Bologna, and are working. Several weeks are still needed for a complete recovery of the center.
Following an intense planning phase during last year, with INFN and in particular CNAF at the forefront, new projects EU-approved are starting. More details below. eXtreme-DataCloud (XDC): this project will develop scalable technologies for federating storage resources and managing data in highly distributed computing environments. The services provided will be capable of operating at the unprecedented scale required by the most demanding, data intensive, research experiments in Europe and Worldwide. XDC will be based on existing tools (TRL8+) that the project will enrich with new functionalities and plugins already available as prototypes (TRL6). The targeted platforms are the current and next generation e-Infrastructures deployed in Europe, such as the European […]
Thanks to the new common solutions developed by the INDIGO DataCloud project, teams of first-line researchers in Europe are using public and private Cloud resources to get new results in Physics, Biology, Astronomy, Medicine, Humanities and other disciplines. INDIGO-developed solutions have for instance enabled new advances in understanding how the basic blocks of matter (quarks) interact, using supercomputers, how new molecules involved in life work, using GPUs, or how complex new repositories to preserve and consult digital heritage can be easily built. The variety of the requirements coming from these so diverse user communities proves that the modular INDIGO platform, consisting of several state-of-the-art, production-level services, is flexible and general […]
The Helix Nebula – The Science Cloud (HNSciCloud) is a Pre-Commercial Procurement support action funded by the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020. HNSciCloud aims to create a competitive marketplace of innovative cloud services serving scientific users from a wide range of domains. The marketplace builds on a hybrid cloud platform including commercial cloud service providers, publicly funded e-infrastructures and buyers’ in-house resources. To achieve these objectives HNSciCloud will issue a public tender in 2016 and invites all interested European public-private cloud service providers to join the HNSciCloud Open Market Consultation on 17 March 2016 at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. The Open Market Consultation (OMC) aims to […]